Phi Tai Thang Klom (ผีตายทั้งกลม), Tai Thang Klom (ตายทั้งกลม) or Tai Thong Klom (ตายท้องกลม) is the Thai name for a pregnant spirit

Phi Thale (ผีทะเล) is a sea spirit from Thai folklore.

Phi Thayong (ผีตายโหง) is the Thai term for an accident spirit.

Phi Thuai Khaeo (ผีถ้วยแก้ว), the spirit of the glass back, is a spirit being from Thai folklore.

In the Saiyasart physical love refers to a relationship or bond between two people that puts the physical experience in the foreground.

A Poltergeist is a place-bound magical figure. See House Spirit.

A possession is the superimposition of the original existence of a living being or an object by a foreign vibration.

A pregnant spirit (Pieh Taytangglomm) is a dual magical figure or ghost apparition.

The present is the proverbial here and now in the Saiyasart

In Saiyasart the term process refers to the representation of an event or event with a specific climax.