Yaan Meditation Info Evening 2017
On this page we share a recording of the Yaan meditation information evening from November 4th 2017. Speaker Plai Tamin presents the origin, goals and benefits of Yaan meditation and gives examples of its practical application. The lecture is in German and lasts 78 minutes.
Title: Yaan Info Evening from November 4th 2017.
Topics: Origin, goals and benefits of Yaan meditation and examples of practical application.
Lecturer: Plai Tamin
Languages: German
Length: 78 minutes
What is Yaan Meditation?
The Yaan meditation is a spin-off of the Saiyasart, the “knowledge of nothingness”. Saiyasart is an ancient field of knowledge that deals with self-discovery, miracles and phenomena on the basis of logic and rationality. The field of knowledge of Saiyasart is in turn closely linked to Pahuyuth (martial arts) and Sart Bambatgay (traditional medicine).
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More Yaan Meditation for Members
Did you know? Members of our online training program receive unlimited access to all fifty seminar parts of the Yaan Meditation training (more than 67 hours of video material in HD quality and 100 pages of accompanying material in PDF format) and can exchange ideas with the lecturer and other participants in our member forum.