Cover picture - When does self-defense begin?

Self-defense: When does self-defense begin?

Fighting is not self-defense. In this video a teacher explains when and how self-defense in the sense of §32 of the Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany begins and when it ends.


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Please note: Depending on the country you live in, some of the techniques shown are not 100% suitable for self-defense within the law. Some of these techniques are very dangerous and can cause serious injuries. Please DO NOT attempt to imitate or replicate the activities performed in this video. We take no responsibility and are not liable for any damage or injury of any kind. Internet videos are no substitute for training under expert guidance. For optimal training in self-defense, we therefore recommend attending a suitable school. For legal advice, we again recommend that you consult a suitably qualified lawyer and/or your local police station.

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Cover picture - When does self-defense begin?

Self-defense: When does self-defense begin?

Fighting is not self-defense. A teacher explains when and how self-defense in the sense of §32 of the Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany begins.