Information is data that is either natural or has been compiled in any other way.

In Saiyasart the term inner aspect refers to an isolated perspective, which refers to the internal view of an existence.

A Khwai Thanu (ควายธนู), also known as Wua Thanu (วัวธนู), is a magical water buffalo (see amulet).

A Kuman Thong (กุมารทอง, literally: “golden boy”) is a spirit from Thai folklore or an amulet in Thai occultism.

Logical information in the Saiyasart is a group of information that originated as a result of the common existence of beings in a sphere of existence.

In the Saiyasart love refers to a bond that has arisen through shared experiences and is constantly growing.

Mae Nak (แม่นาก) is a ghost from Thai folklore who can stretch out his arms supernaturally long.

Mae Sue (แม่ซื้อ) is a spirit from Thai folklore who is considered the patron goddess of the unborn and children.

Mae Ya Nang (แม่ย่านาง) is the patron goddess or patron saint of ships and boats in Thailand.

In Saiyasart, magic is a phenomenon that arises from a knowledge advantage.