In the Saiyasart viewing refers to a kind of perception in which one remains as an uninvolved person in relation to what is perceived. The opposite of being the observer is being affected.

In Saiyasart, a belief is the acceptance or adoption of untested knowledge content.

In Saiyasart the term Black Magic stands for manipulations which involve coercion.

In the Saiyasart bodiless love is a relationship between two people, which is characterized by a state of being there without being there.

Brahminism belongs to one of the oldest faiths in India. It deals with miracles and the holiness of various deities

Buddhism describes itself as a doctrine of wisdom. It comes from India and was founded by Siddhartha, later also called Buddha.

The use of the human body for the physical representation of a thought or for the transmission of knowledge is called channeling in the Saiyasart.

A Chao Kam Nai Wen (เจ้ากรรมนายเวร) is a spirit being from Thai folklore who is said to be evil to a person because that person has inflicted false karma on him or her during his or her lifetime

In Saiyasart a conflict of existence or a conflict of ideas is the term for a “what if?”-question on the non-physical level.

A contemplation meditation (Vipassana) is a form of meditation that is about experiencing the knowledge of truth as an observer.