Red belt is a belt in Pahuyuth. Red belts are worn by teachers.

Ruesi (also Known as Lersi, Pra Rasi or Rishi in India) is a type of jungle preacher or itinerant healer from Southeast Asia.

SABAI (cloth, sash) is armed combat with flexible objects such as whips, ropes, fishing nets and cloth sashes used as improvised weapons. Sub-discipline of PAHUYUTH.


Safety knowledge is the teaching of reflexes that are suitable for an optimal response for the purpose of self-rescue when falling or losing balance.

Self-correction is the examination of one‘s own knowledge according to the second pedagogical principle (learning by teaching)

Self-defense is a “defense necessary to avert a current unlawful attack from oneself or another.” (see StGB §32 – Self-defense)

Seven Generations (Jed Kohd) is a method of punishment that has been common in Southeast Asia for centuries.

In the understanding of Pahuyuth, a show fight (also known as show fighting) is a staged type of combat that serves the purpose of entertainment. The resulting limitations shape the technical scope of show fighting.

A sickle (Kieaw) is a non-bodily, roughly hand-long weapon with a crescent-shaped blade.

State boxing matches (Muai Loung) was the term for official MUAI fights that were fought under the rule of King Rama II (1809-1824 A.D.).