What is a Kuman Thong?

Kuman Thong (กุมารทอง, literally: “golden boy”) is a spirit from Thai folklore or an amulet in Thai occultism.


A Kuman Thong is the spirit of a boy who has been tied into an object by a ghost summoner (see Amulet). The typical depiction of a Kuman Thong is that of a boy in historic Thai clothing with a traditional hair knot. The name of this ghost derives from the color of the skin, which is either golden or pale. The original method of making a Kuman Thong was to roast the fetus of a dead child over an open fire and then wrap it in gold leaf.

It is claimed that a Kuman Thong obeys the orders of his master as long as child-friendly food and toys are available near the fetus. When the fetus is not entertained, it exhibits poltergeist-like behavior, such as e.g. slamming doors and the eerie sound of laughing ghost children. Under certain circumstances, the Kuman Thong can also be used for black magic to do harm. Kuman Thong are considered very powerful, so it is important to be careful when dealing with this type of spirit being.

Kuman-Thong amulets are used as talismans and are said to bring happiness, power and security to their wearer. Kuman Thong amulets are very popular in Thailand. They can be found in every major city and in numerous rural areas, as well as in various temples throughout the country. Healers who practice spiritual medicine often keep them in huge vessels and ask them to heal the sick.

More about Kuman Thong

You can learn more about Kuman Thong and other spirit beings in our Saiyasart introductory video:


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