What is Reiki?

Reiki (霊気) is a form of energy healing through the laying on of hands from Japan, which is said to affect the physical, mental and spiritual levels.

Background and meaning

Reiki has its origins in Japan. The Japanese academic Dr. Mikao Usui (1865-1926) created Reiki in the early years of the 20th century. The term Reiki (霊気 or in Katakana レイキ, pronunciation /ɺɛɪki/ or /ɺeːki/, English for “spiritual/spiritual life energy”) is an artificial word from the Sino-Japanese pronunciation. It consists of the characters rei 霊 (“spirit”, “soul”) and ki (the Chinese Qi or Ki – life energy). In Western publications, “Reiki” is usually translated as “universal or universal life energy”.

When Mikao Usui developed his five guiding principles of Reiki, he had a specific purpose in mind. These principles, known as “spiritual medicine,” should help those seeking spiritual healing progress on their path to restoring wholeness. These principles include being kind to others, working hard, avoiding anger, letting go of worries, and practicing gratitude.

  • Be kind to people.
  • Work hard.
  • Don’t get angry.
  • Don’t worry.
  • Be grateful.

A key element of Reiki practice is the use of the universal life energy collected from our environment and directed by a Reiki giver to those who need it most. Through this energy and their expert techniques, Reiki practitioners are able to heal people on all levels: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Reiki is a form of energy therapy based on the idea of changing the energetic vibrations of the body to stimulate the self-healing powers of body, mind and soul. The therapist uses his hands to direct the energy into the client. Reiki is used for a variety of ailments, including stress, anxiety, pain and fatigue. Sometimes it is also used as a complementary medicine as a supplement to traditional medical treatment.

Origin and distribution

Reiki is a form of energy healing that has its roots in ancient Tibetan Buddhism. According to tradition, the practice was first developed by a Japanese theologian and Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui in the late years. 19. or early 20th century AD..

In the course of his life, Usui trained several masters in the art of Reiki. One of these masters was Chujiro Hayashi, who is said to have improved Usui’s original technique by adding new hand positions that covered the entire body more thoroughly than before. In addition, he is said to have optimized and refined certain aspects of Reiki training to make it more effective for both the practitioner and the patient.

Through his efforts, Chujiro Hayashi contributed to the fact that Reiki is now a widely used healing method worldwide. He passed on his improved concept to several other Reiki masters. Among them was the Japanese-born American Hawayo Takata, who is said to have introduced Reiki to the Western world after her return to the United States. More recently, Reiki has spread to other countries as well. Meanwhile, there are many different Reiki schools and styles, but they all have the same basic principle, namely the use of the Universal Life Energy to promote balance and well-being in the body.


Reiki is a practice that promotes relaxation and stress reduction with gentle touches of the hands. According to reports, this practice can also have therapeutic effects, such as relieving pain or reducing anxiety. Some proponents even claim that Reiki can influence the course of certain diseases, such as cancer or autoimmune diseases. While there is little scientific evidence to support these claims, studies have shown that Reiki can help improve patient outcomes under certain circumstances. While more research is needed to truly understand the effects of Reiki on health and well-being, this ancient technique seems to offer some benefits for those who use it.

Principles of action

Although the term “Reiki energy” is widely used in popular culture and marketing, it is important to understand that “energy” in this context is not defined by scientific concepts of energy. Rather, Reiki practitioners believe that this “energy” is the life force that animates all living things and is able to stimulate self-healing and balance in the body. According to some authors, Reiki energy can remove blockages in the body caused by energy imbalances or deficiencies, thus raising the energy level in each individual molecule.

Despite these claims, there is currently no scientific evidence for the existence or claimed effects of Reiki energy. While it is true that different molecules have different energies associated with their chemical bonds, none of these biological energies are associated with a mysterious life force that is said to be responsible for everything from spiritual enlightenment to better health.

Because of this lack of evidence and compelling science that underlies practice, many experts consider Reiki to be little more than pseudoscience dressed in esoteric terminology. Although there may be therapeutic benefits of receiving Regular Reiki treatments, whether this can cure diseases, it has yet to be proven.

Reiki Training and Initiation

The training takes place in successive stages. These levels are called grades. Each degree of training begins with an initiation. Initiation is a ritual through which a teacher empowers the student to give Reiki or use the Reiki symbols.

Reiki givers see themselves as a channel for the energy and assume that the initiation opens the channel in them or attunes them to the Reiki symbols in higher degrees. Without this initiation, the channel is not opened, even the symbols do not unfold their effect without initiation, according to the doctrine of Reiki.

In Western Reiki, there are three to four degrees up to teacher training:

  • First degree: Opening of the Reiki canal
  • Second degree: Introduction of three Reiki symbols
  • Third degree (master degree): Initiation to the “master symbol”
  • Fourth degree (teacher degree): empowers to initiate other people.

Originally, the degree of Reiki Master and the teacher degree were acquired together. Many Reiki teachers still handle it this way today. For each Reiki degree, one to four initiations are given.

In traditional Jikid Reiki there are the following levels:

  • Shoden (Beginner) Reiki for Physical Themes
  • Okuden (Advanced) Reiki for Mental Topics and Remote Treatment
  • Shihan Kaku (assistant teacher), is allowed to give Shoden courses
  • Shihan (teacher), is allowed to give Shoden and Okuden courses
  • Dai Shihan (Senior Teacher), is allowed to give Shoden, Okuden and Shihan Kaku courses

Reiki and Sart Bambatgay

In the system of traditional Freikämpfer medicine (Sart Bambatgay) concepts of energy healing or energy work are also known. However, there are some serious differences between these methods.

In Sart Bambatgay, for example, it is assumed that the energy necessary for energetic massages is formed by the body or .dem central nervous system of all living beings themselves, instead of being absorbed from the environment. The ability to transfer energy is considered a natural function of the body. Furthermore, the Sart Bambatgay is based on the understanding of body, mind and soul from the Saiyasart , which is why there is no hierarchical order or initiations here. Dogmatic principles such as kindness, diligence, peacefulness, carelessness and gratitude do not form the essence of Sart Bambatgay and are therefore not demanded of anyone.

The touching of different parts of the body with techniques of laying on of hands to strengthen the self-healing powers, on the other hand, also exists in the Sart Bambatgay. However, methods of stretching or straightening massages, as they are also known, for example, from traditional Thai massage, are also used in this method.


In Western Reiki, there are three to four degrees, with the fourth degree being the teacher degree. In traditional Jikiden Reiki, there are up to five levels (Shoden, Okuden, Shihan Kaku, Shihan and Dai Shihan), three of which are reserved for learned teachers.

The cost of Reiki treatment with Reiki therapists can vary greatly and depends on several factors, including the extent of energy exchange that takes place between the practitioner and the recipient. This means that the practitioner invests work and time for such a treatment and demands something in return from the Reiki recipient. Currently, the cost of a typical Reiki treatment is usually between 50 and 100 euros. This wide price range reflects, among other things, the differences in quality and the different costs that practitioners incur during their education and training.

To begin practicing Reiki, one must complete a series of initiations or degrees that gradually increase in power and complexity. During the initiation, the person to be initiated sits on a chair with his eyes closed and concentrates on his inner experience. The teacher or master performing the initiation then performs a prescribed ritual with specific words, sounds, and gestures. Initiations vary depending on tradition, but usually involve symbolic gestures and words that signal various changes in consciousness and transcendent experiences for the initiated person.

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