What is a Phi Kong Koi?

A Phi Kong Koi (ผีกองกอย, also called Kong Koi) is a one-legged forest vampire or jungle spirit from Thai or Lao folklore.


According to legends, Phi Kong Koi is supposed to move on one leg hopping and make a sound like “Koi, koi, koi” or “Kong Koi”.

The creature is said to be quite ugly and not be able to climb trees. There are different statements about the exact appearance of the creature: some say it has a fly-like tube mouth, others think it looks more like a monkey or a langur.

However, most reports agree that the Phi Kong Koi sucks the blood from people’s toes. To protect themselves, travelers are advised to cover their feet, keep their feet closed, or cross their legs when sleeping in the jungle.


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