What is Martial Art?

In the understanding of Pahuyuth, the term martial art refers to the knowledge of conflict.

Martial arts contain physical and psychological knowledge components and, unlike combat sports or self-defense, are not subject to any rules or restrictions.

What is the difference between martial arts and melee combat?

Martial arts differ from melee combat by the presence of non-physical aspects. In many cases, these are traditions, as well as specific ways of thinking or philosophical content.

What is the difference between martial arts and combat sports?

Combat sport is a ritualized type of combat that involves consensual measuring the combative abilities of two or more opponents. The resulting limitations shape the technical scope of most combat sports.

What is the difference between martial arts and self-defense?

Self-defense is a legally permissible “defense necessary to avert a current unlawful attack from itself or another.” (see Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany, Section 32 – Self-Defence).

Self-defense in the understanding of Pahuyuth is defined as martial art within the framework of prevailing laws. The resulting limitations shape the technical scope of self-defense.

What is the difference between martial arts and show fighting?

Show fighting is a staged combat style that serves the purpose of entertainment. The resulting limitations shape the technical scope of show fighting.

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