What is foot?

Foot is one of four bodily weapons of Pahuyuth.


The foot is the lower extremities from the feet to the knees. All kinds of kicks and kicks, except knee techniques are considered as foot techniques.

Foot techniques are used in all Pahuyuth disciplines for kicking. When kicking with the shin, it is preferred to hit with the anterior shin muscle (musculus tibialis anterior).

Types of foot techniques

Foot techniques are divided in Pahuyuth according to their direction of movement when hitting the target.

  • ascending (kick connects in the upward movement),
  • parallel (Kick connects while moving parallel to the ground)
  • descending (kick connects in the downward movement).

The amount of possible foot techniques in pahuyuth is infinite. As part of the Pahuyuth training, foot techniques are taught as basic techniques, variants, combinations and applications and individually refined.

In the discipline MUAI, the so-called traditional foot initiation is carried out when the foot maturity is reached.

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