What is a defensive fighter (Muai Rab)?

A defensive fighter (Muai Rab) is a Muai fighter who masters the basic techniques (Mae Mai) for fist, foot, elbow and knee, but prefers to use defensive variants. The opposite of a defensive fighter is called an offensive fighter (Muai Roog).


Muai Rab is not a specific fighting style, but an attribute attributed to a fighter.

In earlier times bets were placed on the successful implementation or thwarting of techniques. The outcome of a fight was secondary, because the real fascination was to see whether a fighter could successfully enforce his techniques and tactics or not. It was only through the industrialization of Muay Thai that the focus shifted to points, victories and defeats that were easy for the masses to understand.

For connoisseurs of the matter, for example, the question of whether a defensive fighter (Muai Rab) would succeed in maintaining his defense against an offensive fighter (Muai Rug) may have been interesting.

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